In order to favour and promote the co-operation of Valencian enterprises with Latin American ones, FUNDEUN has made different activities such as: Keeping relationships with Universities, enterprises, business Organisations, Chambers of Commerce and National Institutions of Chile, Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay, Costa Rica, Colombia and Nicaragua. It has signed collaboration agreements with institutions in order to collaborate in the promotion of business co-operation: The activities that have been accomplished are: Training of Latin American engineers to carry out Technological Diagnoses at enterprises. Alicante, Spain. July 1998 Technological Diagnoses at enterprises. Montevideo, Uruguay. August-September 1998 School Project of Technological Entrepreneurs, UTN-CIAYA-MEB. , Mar de Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina Technological Diagnoses Congress. Universidad Tecnológica Nacional, Buenos Aires. Argentina. Technological Diagnoses Congress. University Do Sul Do Santa Catalina. Brazil Congress of Chile Enterprises co-operation, metallurgical sector. Spain. May 1999 Development of a Database in co-operation, with Latin American associates, in order to make combined projects on any area through Internet.