13 de julio 2017
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María Martínez se ha proclamado ganadora del certamen europeo de emprendedores ICT Entrepreneur en Chipre celebrado el 12 de junio. Su proyecto ha sido elegido como el mejor entre todas las propuestas presentadas procedentes de diferentes países de Europa. La vencedora ha participado en esta competición de la mano de Fundeun junto con otras tres emprendedoras que han defendido sus propuestas en Chipre: Mayra Lacruz, Virginia Tovar y Zaira Cippitelli. Desde Fundeun reconocemos el gran trabajo desarrollado por las cuatro participantes que han dejado el listón muy alto en Chipre. Sus propuestas:
- María Martínez is an architect passionate about design for sustainable solutions. She studied at the University of Alicante and proceed to learn the best practices about sustainability in the construction sector, specifically reusing materials and circular economy principals. She keeps her enthusiastic curiosity getting information about new materials, investigating about geometry using modular origami and sustainable architecture. Nowadays she is working on a platform called ‘Matmap’ which connects waste materials with project necessities, allowing companies and individuals to announce the materials they don’t need to make the most of the existing resources.
- Mayra Lacruz is a Geological Engineer with experience in many different international projects about sustainability and environmental recovery and protection like “Architecture without borders”. She has also worked as an independent consultant for different public and private institutions. Mayra’s project, “SEN” consists of creating an online platform where every professional or institution can share their experience in fighting against pollution and climate change for others to use it.
- Virgina Tovar is a very active social worker, good communicator and with the will of getting experiences. She is currently the Social Worker of the town of Novelda in Alicante (Spain). She has also collaborated in some successful social projects. A few years ago, in a workshop for entrepreneurs, she decided that she was going to show to the world what the social work can do for it. She wanted to create the “Wikipedia” of the social work. Her project is called “eSocialy” and is going to be launched this month.
- Zaira Cippitelli is a professional qualified and degreed dancer, who is also finishing the degree in Dance Pedagogy. She has worked as hostess in different companies and events, becoming events’ organizer. She realized that certain tool could improve the artists’ job and, therefore, the costumers’ experience. ARTLINE is an online platform to connect every person interested in taking on an artist with the artist, offering different brilliant spectacles for the final customers. The idea is to make the platform international and accessible for those with either a big or a small budget.
Conforme al RGPD y la LOPDGDD, FUNDACION EMPRESA UNIVERSIDAD DE ALICANTE DE LA COMUNIDAD VALENCIANA tratará los datos facilitados con la finalidad de gestionar y atender su solicitud. Para obtener más información acerca del tratamiento de sus datos y ejercer sus derechos, visite nuestra Política de privacidad.
- FUNDEUN presenta el Estudio en “Economía Circular en el sector industrial de la provincia de Alicante”
- FUNDEUN impulsa el empoderamiento sostenible y digital de mujeres refugiadas ucranianas con el proyecto europeo W-Rise
- Presentación de la nueva marca de FUNDEUN
- FUNDEUN presenta PATHFINDER+ en el Encuentro Nacional de Laboratorios Ciudadanos en Alicante
© Fundeun 2018 - Fundación Universidad Empresa - Universidad de Alicante
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