GADGET PROJECT (2012-2014)

The GADGET project is a 2-year long pilot project running from October 2012 – September 2014 and is funded under the European Commission’s Erasmus Life Long Learning programme. It aims to link with the European Commission’s Erasmus Program objective of reinforcing «the contribution of higher education and advanced vocational training to the process of innovation.» Echoing this, GADGET’s overall objective is to conduct a pilot action in 3 countries for good practice of industry needs, training and exploitation of results in environmental and energy industries.
GADGET proposes a triple helix structure in each country (Spain, UK and Austria) as the most common way for enhancing the linkages between university and industry. This structure includes one university, one SME and one business intermediary in each country. The GADGET partners have been identified on the basis of their expertise in the field, access to international networks to facilitate replication of the project results, and their potential to contribute to the project goals.

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